Check-list for a Great Extended Stay Project – Part 1

Choose Your Extended Stay Project Provider

You are aware that the extended stay, or corporate housing option, is a great residential solution for business travellers. Typically with a minimum 28-day stay, you are provided with a fully furnished and equipped apartment. All necessary linen, utilities connected, and a cleaning and maintenance service, but don’t have unhappy employees or choose risky options.

Good Extended Stay Services in Asia Hard To Find

The definition of “fully furnished” is often liberally interpreted and can be stretched to cover a sparsely furnished hovel. Have you been provided with a photo-file and a complete inventory? Are service parameters defined?

Your Duty Of Care

Some locations have crime problems. You must ensure that the apartments being offered to you are in safe buildings. Proper security services and not in ‘high-risk’ areas. The extended stay apartment option is the best for long-term assignments. However, you must do due diligence on security. You have a duty of care. Talk to your account manager.

Corporate Governance – Don’t Break Local Laws

Do you know that the provider’s supply chain is “clean”? In some locations tax avoidance is the norm. As a multinational company, you will certainly have compliance policies. These must not be compromised. Don’t deal with dodgy landlords, agents or anonymous extended stay providers.

A customer service team at the destination location is a minimum requirement. Proper ‘meet and greet’ services must be provided.

Administration and reporting have to be efficient. You are busy enough!

Look for a well-constructed website with specific properties on offer. Ask for references. Happy clients will be delighted to give them.

Your comfort is our business at Convido Corporate Housing and you can be assured that all of our properties comply with the highest of standards and that our team is well-trained and anxious to please.

Part 2 on this site. How to submit your corporate housing enquiry and what your service expectations should be before you make a booking.