Executive Apartment Project – Part 4

Great Executive Apartment Locations

One of the great advantages of the executive apartment option is that the employee can be located almost anywhere. A reputable corporate housing provider will have an inventory of high-quality executive apartments all over town. So you have location options.

Getting The Executive Apartment Location Right
Unlike traditional serviced apartments, an executive apartment can be anywhere, so you can optimise the location as part of your contribution to a successful project.

However, it is really important that you have had a conversation with the employee about where they would like their executive apartment to be. Work/life balance is also important on assignment, not just at home. A beautiful executive apartment close to the office, but with entertainment and socializing options impossibly far away, will guarantee you an unhappy, unproductive employee.

So a balance must be found. In some Asia-Pacific cities, public transport is rudimentary. In some, it is world class. So the distance/time ratio can be very different, as can the quality of the experience.

If you take Manila as an example, there are five distinct commercial areas. If you book an executive apartment in Quezon City and the workplace is in Makati, you have just built a problem into the project. The distance may not be far, however, due to famously heavy traffic, travel time can be very long.

In Chinese cities, the problem can be magnified. Many are enormous, and while Pu Dong may sound like a small section of Shanghai it is, in fact, a vast area.

If neither you nor the employee is familiar with the destination city then you must have a conversation with your destination account manager. They can help you weigh these variables and identify the perfect location for your executive apartment. They know their city and their properties intimately well.

For many of your employees, their assignment will be one of the most wonderful and professionally rewarding periods of their career, with new, exciting experiences, and challenges. So don’t get the location wrong!

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